Chapter 2 Bash Shell Style Guide


2.1.1 File Header

Start each file with a description of its contents.

Every file must have a top-level comment including a brief overview of its contents. Author information are optional.


# Author: 
# Desc: Perform hot backups of Oracle databases.

2.1.2 Function Comments

Any function that is not both obvious and short must be commented. Any function in a library must be commented regardless of length or complexity.

It should be possible for someone else to learn how to use your program or to use a function in your library by reading the comments (and self-help, if provided) without reading the code.

All function comments should contain:

  • Description of the function
  • Global variables used and modified
  • Arguments taken
  • Returned values other than the default exit status of the last command run


# Author:
# Desc: Cleanup files from the backup directory.
# Globals:
# Arguments:
#   None
function cleanup() {


2.1.3 Implementation Comments

Don’t comment everything. Comment tricky, non-obvious, interesting or important parts of your code. use comments to explain the “why” not the “what” or “how”. Each line of a comment should begin with the comment symbol and a single space: #.

2.2 Naming conventions

2.2.1 File Names

Lowercase, with underscores to separate words if desired. `

2.2.2 Function Names

Function names should be in snake_case. That is, all lower case and words are separated by underscores. Parentheses are required after the function name.

func() {

### Variable Names

As for function names. Variables names for loops should be similarly named for 
any variable you’re looping through.

for zone in "${zones[@]}"; do
  something_with "${zone}"

2.2.3 Constants and Environment Variable Names

All caps, separated with underscores, declared at the top of the file.

2.3 Formatting

2.3.1 Identation

Indent 2 spaces. No tabs.

Use blank lines between blocks to improve readability. Indentation is two spaces. Whatever you do, don’t use tabs. For existing files, stay faithful to the existing indentation.

2.3.2 Line Length

Maximum line length is 80 characters.

2.3.3 Pipe

Pipelines should be split one per line if they don’t all fit on one line, and put pipe symbol (|) at the beginning of of its statement

If a pipeline all fits on one line, it should be on one line.

 # This is an inline pipe: "$(ls -la /foo/ | grep /bar/)"

 # The following pipe is of display form: every command is on
 # its own line

foobar="$( \
  ls -la /foo/ \
  | grep /bar/ \
  | awk '{print $NF}')"

2.3.4 Loops

Put ; do and ; then on the same line as the while, for or if. else should be on its own line and closing statements should be on their own line vertically aligned with the opening statement.

2.3.5 Variable Expansion

In order of precedence: Stay consistent with what you find; quote your variables; prefer "${var}" over "$var".

They are listed in order of precedence.

  • Stay consistent with what you find for existing code.

  • Quote variables, see Quoting section below.

  • Don’t brace-delimit single character shell specials / positional parameters, unless strictly necessary or avoiding deep confusion.

    # Section of *recommended* cases.
    # Preferred style for 'special' variables:
    echo "Positional: $1" "$5" "$3"
    echo "Specials: !=$!, -=$-, _=$_. ?=$?, #=$# *=$* @=$@ \$=$$ …"
    # Braces necessary:
    echo "many parameters: ${10}"
    # Braces avoiding confusion:
    # Output is "a0b0c0"
    set -- a b c
    echo "${1}0${2}0${3}0"

Prefer brace-delimiting all other variables.

2.4 Quoting

  • Always quote strings containing variables, command substitutions, spaces or shell meta characters.

  • Optionally quote shell-internal, readonly special variables that are defined to be integers: $?, $#, $$, $!.

  • Use double quotes for strings that require variable expansion or command substitution interpolation, and single quotes for all others.

    # "Double" quotes indicate that substitution is required/tolerated.
    # "quote variables"
    echo "${flag}"
    # double quote for strings that require variable expansion 
    bar="You are $USER"
    # or command substitution
    # single quote for strings does not require variable expansion
    foo='Hello World'
    # "quote shell meta characters"
    echo 'Hello stranger, and well met. Earn lots of $$$'
    echo "Process $$: Done making \$\$\$."

2.5 Error Handing

All errors should be sent to STDERR.

2.5.1 Error Checking

cd, for example, doesn’t always work. Make sure to check for any possible errors for cd (or commands like it) and exit or break if they are present.

# wrong
cd /some/path # this could fail
rm file       # if cd fails where am I? what am I deleting?

# right
cd /some/path || exit

2.5.2 set -e

Use set -e if your script is being used for your own business. Recommend do not use it.

# If _do_some_critical_check fails, the script just exits and the following 
# code is just skipped without any notice.
set -e

if [[ $? -ge 1 ]]; then
  echo "Oh, you will never see this line."

2.5.3 set -u

To make sure you won’t use any undeclared variable , set -u is recommended.

2.6 Features

2.6.1 Command Substitution

Use $(command) instead of backticks.

# This is preferred

# This is not

2.6.2 Math

Always use (( … )) or $(( … )) rather than let or $[ … ] or expr.

# Simple calculation used as text - note the use of $(( … )) within
# a string.
echo "$(( 2 + 2 )) is 4"

# When performing arithmetic comparisons for testing
if (( a < b )); then


# Some calculation assigned to a variable.
(( i = 10 * j + 400 ))

2.6.3 Listing Files

Listing Files Do not parse ls(1), instead use bash builtin functions to loop files

# use
for f in *; do

# not
for f in $(ls); do

2.6.4 Arrays and lists

Use bash arrays instead of a string separated by spaces (or newlines, tabs, etc.) whenever possible.

# use array
modules=(json httpserver jshint)
for module in "${modules[@]}"; do
    npm install -g "$module"

# instead of string separated by spaces 
modules='json httpserver jshint'
for module in $modules; do
    npm install -g "$module"

2.6.5 Test, [...], and [[...]]

[[ … ]] is preferred over [ … ], test. [[ … ]] reduces errors as no pathname expansion or word splitting takes place between [[ and ]]. In addition, [[ … ]] allows for regular expression matching, while [ … ] does not.

# This ensures the string on the left is made up of characters in
# the alnum character class followed by the string name.
# Note that the RHS should not be quoted here.
if [[ "filename" =~ ^[[:alnum:]]+name ]]; then
  echo "Match"

# This matches the exact pattern "f*" (Does not match in this case)
if [[ "filename" == "f*" ]]; then
  echo "Match"
# This gives a "too many arguments" error as f* is expanded to the
# contents of the current directory
if [ "filename" == f* ]; then
  echo "Match"

2.8 Resources
