Object representing the seed sets of a given metabolic network


a igraph network

a character list represents seeds of a given metabolic network which is composed of the KEGG compound index.


  • getGsMN, signature(object = "seedset"): get the genome scale metabolic network whose seed set is caculated
  • len, signature(object = "seedset"): return the number of source SCC
  • seedSize, signature(object = "seedset"): returns the sizes of each source SCCs
  • nonseed, signature(object = "seedset"): the non seeds of the GsMN
  • show, signature(object = "seedset"): show the short summary of a seedset class
  • confidencescore, signature(object = "seedset"): confidence score of the seed set

See also

getSeedSets,getGsMN,len, nonseed,seedSize,confidencescore


## Not run: ------------------------------------ # #' ## generate a metabolic network in igraph class and a seed set of this graph # annodir <- system.file("extdata","koanno.tab",package = "RevEcoR") # metabolic.data <- read.delim2(file=annodir,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) # g <- reconstructGsMN(metabolic.data) # seeds <- getSeedSets(g)@seeds # seed.set <- new("seedset",GsMN = g, seeds = seeds) ## ---------------------------------------------